BHIP® Manuals & Bundles

Explore the different manuals we offer. Whether you're a student, parent,  or professional, we have something for you!

BHIP Manuals & Resources for Adolescents

For Students Transitioning to High School

➣ How to adapt to a new, technology-driven social and academic environment
➣ How to get good grades, manage your time, and balance your life
➣ How to make friends and long-lasting relationships.

Review:  "I liked how the program was really centered around real-world issues kids face... Every idea mentioned was valid and useful."

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For Students Transitioning to Middle School

➣ How to adapt to a new, technology-driven social and academic environment
➣ How to get good grades, manage your time, and balance your life
➣ How to make friends and long-lasting relationships.

Review: "I learned how to meet new people, make new friends, deal with stress, manage time, manage work, manage homework, and that I should have some close friends."

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BHIP Manuals & Resources for Early Childhood

For Preschool & Kindergarten Students

They Will Learn:
➣ How to 'play nice', make and keep friendships
➣ How feelings affect them & how to recognize and cope with these feelings
➣ How to deal with and resolve common childhood conflicts
➣ How to set a solid academic and social foundation

Review: "It was great! It helped me learn more about what school was going to be like."

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BHIP Manuals & Resources for Parents

For Parents of Middle Schoolers & High Schoolers

➣  How to promote your child’s comfort level and trust in you
➣ How to set your child up for school/academic success 
➣ How to understand both your child’s temperament and your parenting style, as well as how they interact
➣ How to promote self-regulation in order to to enable goal-directed actions

Review: "The BHIP program is a must-have for all parents. It doesn't matter how well you think your child is doing, everyone can benefit from it."

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For Parents of Preschoolers and Kindergarteners 

➣ How to promote your child’s comfort level and trust in you
➣ How to set your child up for school/academic success from the get-go
➣ How to understand both your child’s temperament and  your parenting style, as well as how they interact
➣ How to promote self-regulation in order to to enable goal-directed actions

Review: "This program really made me feel like I was setting a good foundation for my son. I was hesitant starting something like this so young, but it paid off!"

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BHIP Manuals & Resources for Professionals

For Psychologists, Social Workers, & Counselors

➣ Be trained on the background and conceptual frameworks of BHIP
➣ Be able to utilize these programs and manuals either via in-person or telehealth

Review: "These cutting edge programs are nothing short of phenomenal and definitely a huge addition for my practice and my patients."

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For Teachers & Tutors

➣ Train on these programs for purposes of implementing them at your school.
➣ Tutors and Academic Coaches can utilize the manuals and workbooks with individual students
➣ For example, the executive functioning workbook helps all students perform  better in your classroom and organize their lives

Review: "There are a lot of gems in this program. Really helped me develop lessons that my kids found valuable."

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BHIP® Manuals & Bundles

Explore the different manuals we offer. Whether you're a student, parent, or professional, we have something for you!

BHIP Manuals for Adolescents

For Students Transitioning to High School

➣ How to adapt to a new, technology-driven social and academic environment
➣ How to get good grades, manage your time, and balance your life
➣ How to make friends and long-lasting relationships.

Review:  "I liked how the program was really centered around real-world issues kids face... Every idea mentioned was valid and useful."

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For Students Transitioning to Middle School

➣ How to adapt to a new, technology-driven social and academic environment
➣ How to get good grades, manage your time, and balance your life
➣ How to make friends and long-lasting relationships.

Review: "I learned how to meet new people, make new friends, deal with stress, manage time, manage work, manage homework, and that I should have some close friends."

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BHIP Manuals for Early Childhood

For Preschool & Kindergarten Students

They Will Learn:
➣ How to 'play nice', make and keep friendships
➣ How feelings affect them & how to recognize and cope with these feelings
➣ How to deal with and resolve common childhood conflicts
➣ How to set a solid academic and social foundation

Review: "It was great! It helped me learn more about what school was going to be like."

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BHIP Manuals for Parents

For Parents of Middle Schoolers & High Schoolers

➣  How to promote your child’s comfort level and trust in you
➣ How to set your child up for school/academic success 
➣ How to understand both your child’s temperament and your parenting style, as well as how they interact
➣ How to promote self-regulation in order to to enable goal-directed actions

Review: "The BHIP program is a must-have for all parents. It doesn't matter how well you think your child is doing, everyone can benefit from it."

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For Parents of Preschoolers and Kindergarteners 

➣ How to promote your child’s comfort level and trust in you
➣ How to set your child up for school/academic success from the get-go
➣ How to understand both your child’s temperament and  your parenting style, as well as how they interact
➣ How to promote self-regulation in order to to enable goal-directed actions

Review: "This program really made me feel like I was setting a good foundation for my son. I was hesitant starting something like this so young, but it paid off!"

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BHIP Manual Bundles for Professionals

For Psychologists, Social Workers, & Counselors

➣ Be trained on the background and conceptual frameworks of BHIP
➣ Be able to utilize these programs and manuals either via in-person or telehealth

Review: "These cutting edge programs are nothing short of phenomenal and definitely a huge addition for my practice and my patients."

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For Teachers & Tutors

➣ Train on these programs for purposes of implementing them at your school.
➣ Tutors and Academic Coaches can utilize the manuals and workbooks with individual students
➣ For example, the executive functioning workbook helps all students perform  better in your classroom and organize their lives

Review: "There are a lot of gems in this program. Really helped me develop lessons that my kids found valuable."

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